30 January 2025
El Clúster del Packaging ha firmado un acuerdo de colaboración con Ekselia Partners, una empresa especializada en transformación comercial en el mundo B2B. La colaboración entre ambas entidades permitirá que los miembros del Clúster del Packaging accedan a servicios de soporte comercial en el ámbito B2B, seleccionando en condiciones competitivas los servicios de Ekselia Partners más adecuados para su caso.
11 January 2023
The Packaging Cluster has signed a collaboration agreement with the consultancy firm PONS IP, a benchmark in industrial and intellectual property support for companies and knowledge centres. The agreement will allow cluster members to receive free advice from PONS IP, in any of its services related to the management of patents, technological development, data protection or the valuation of intangible assets, among others. In addition, for any associated management by the consultancy firm, each partner will enjoy a discount on the consultancy firm's fees, which will facilitate the proper administration of all the innovations carried out by the more than 130 associate members.
17 March 2022
The cooperative financial and insurance group, Caixa d'Enginyers, has signed a collaboration agreement with the Association of the Packaging Cluster, an entity referring to the container and packaging sector, by virtue of which the credit cooperative will become collaborator of the Packaging Cluster. In its commitment to providing a quality service and generating shared value beyond the financial component, Caixa d'Enginyers will make available to the members of the Cluster a company manager who will offer personalized advice that will support the economic viability of the operations and will analyze applications to offer adequate financing for your structure. Apart from being able to request financing from the credit cooperative through the financial products it markets and supporting its members, the Entity will collaborate in the conferences organized by the Cluster related to financing, to present topics of interest to companies in the framework of the areas in which it operates.
4 September 2020
In collaboration with the Economic Promotion Agency of Sabadell, SL, the Packaging Cluster members will receive a 30% discount on the rates applicable to the rental of other related complementary spaces, since the cluster is a member entity of the Center for Industrial Companies of Can Roqueta.
3 June 2020
The Master in Marketing, Branding, Digital Turning and Sustainability Management at the University of Barcelona develops knowledge in the direction and management of a brand and the definition of its strategy from a rigorous, innovative and creative approach. Some members of the cluster and the internal team themselves collaborate as teachers in this master's degree, where they will give the vision of marketing more at an industrial level and around sustainability.
17 April 2020
Advanced Factories is the key event for professionals in the manufacturing sector, where to discover the innovations that are transforming manufacturing lines in robotics, mechanization, additive manufacturing, automation and all the technologies that surround Industry 4.0. A business platform that allows customers, potential customers and the media to be introduced, all of which is related to advanced and digital manufacturing.
17 April 2020
PICK&PACK is the meeting point for the exchange of experiences, products, innovations and knowledge, in order to transform the packaging and intralogistics sector. Digitization, artificial intelligence, robotics, 3D printing, sustainability... are some of the new technologies that will help, hand in hand with industry 4.0, companies to achieve more efficient processes, cost savings and, therefore, a much faster return on investment.
17 April 2020
The Cluster de Innovación de Envase y Embalaje is an association of companies gathered along the packaging value chain, grouped with the aim of exploring business opportunities through innovation, internationalization and networking.
Both entities generate collaborative spaces through numerous activities and initiatives that invite discussion, training and cooperation. And that is why the two entities have reached this agreement where the member companies of one or the other cluster:
• Will be informed of the activities and initiatives of each entity, as well as its contents, dates, etc.
• May participate in these activities, with the same conditions as a member of the cluster.
• Will enjoy other advantages and preferences in other activities with entities with which we have an agreement.
17 April 2020
Hispack, International Packaging Exhibition, Process & Logistic, is the largest packaging sector fair held in Spain, specifically at the Fira Barcelona. The Fira was established in 1932, and since then it organizes and hosts every year salons and congresses that cover the main sectors of the economy, in addition to numerous corporate, social and cultural events. The collaboration agreement between the cluster and Hispack includes:
- Hispack is the ideal platform for business, the international projection of companies, commercial promotion, networking and the exchange of knowledge. It is within this framework where the partners will be able to disseminate their own innovations and projects.
- The visibility and interactivity on Hispack's social networks will be ensured with Packaging Cluster, through its platforms: Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram and Youtube; as well as the presence of corporate communication in the show, on the collaboration of the cluster with Hispack,
- The Cluster has exhibition participation, with a discount on the contracting of stands, and the collective participation of the members of the entity.
17 April 2020
The agreement aims to improve the recyclability of packaging.
ECOEMBES is a nonprofit corporation that aims to design and manage a system aimed at the collection of household waste for proper classification and recycling. In addition, it develops projects to promote innovation throughout the value chain of the container, in order to consolidate the system and protect the environment.
This collaboration is based on four main themes, such as the improvement of knowledge about the recyclability of packaging; promoting innovative solutions; the creation of public-private spaces; and dissemination of the actions the business sector.
17 April 2020
As a result of a cooperation agreement the Packaging Cluster offers to all partners and collaborators the use of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) tool powered by the European Commission through the Dirección General de Empresa e Industria.
The EEN offers to small and medium enterprises (PIME) information and advice in relation to policies and business opportunities to EU countries as well as assistance in technology transfer processes and access to European funding programs, research, development and innovation (R + D + i).
17 April 2020
Constituted in 1932, every year it organises and hosts shows and congresses that cover the economy's main sectors, as well as numerous corporate, social and cultural events. The collaboration agreement between the Packaging The collaboration agreement between the cluster and Fira includes:
• The cluster members will benefit from preferential conditions in local and international fairs organized by Fira Barcelona.
• Fira Barcelona is also a platform for for business, international exposure of companies, product marketing, networking and knowledge exchange. It is in this framework where members can make diffusion of innovations and own projects.
• The Packaging Cluster has the space and the rooms of the two exhibitions from Fira for holding events of the entity.
17 April 2020
The agreement includes facilitating, or distributes directly, publications of interest to members of PACKAGING CLUSTER who expressly authorize.
INTEREMPRESAS is a business organization who edits the communication platform with the same name, aimed at businesses and professionals with a mission to report the news, trends and technology sector through publishers print media as well as 'on-line'.
This collaboration enhances the promotion of activities of the cluster and its partners, such as technical conferences, seminars, conferences, technical publications, etc.
17 April 2020
The MOU will allow the promotion of five specific areas by members of both entities. On the one hand, it will work to share market intelligence, with the exchange of information on the market situation, trends and opportunities in their respective markets; networking, with the possibility of visiting with a delegation of other market industries to seek new opportunities; talent, exchanging technical information, with the ability to collaborate with engineers from each environment.
Kopa (Korea Packaging Association), founded in 1991, has 92 members representing the entire value chain and promotes the development of R & D around the packaging industry and packaging, as well as the internationalization of its members alliances strategic partners of international reference.
17 April 2020
News Packaging and the Packaging Cluster have reached a collaborative agreement to disseminate and transfer knowledge of everything that goes on in the industry. Thus, in the magazine will be able to find a double page titled "Space of the Packaging Cluster" with the news of the cluster and some interview of the associates of this one.
The specialized magazine of packaging is addressed to the manufacturing companies of the sectors of perfumery, cosmetics, food, beverages, watchmaking ... as well as all related companies, both suppliers and manufacturers.
17 April 2020
Node of reference at the green economics and circulate in Catalonia that it contribute ken and information, with the aim to give coherence and visibility at the efforts that will be realising since different levels and spheres of performance of the institutions and other organisms, contributing like this at positioning internationally Catalonia comma referent at this matter
17 April 2020
Joining to Packbridge is the result of collaboration between the two entities agreed, which will promote R&D and innovation in European level, first-hand market information and participate in relevant events and activities.
Packbridge is the Swedish packaging cluster, founded in 2010, which includes members of the packaging industry, both nationally and internationally. Headquartered in Malmö (Sweden), promotes activities and projects. Also certified Bronze Label by the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis (ESCA).
17 April 2020
Packnet is a Spanish technological platform of packaging, aims to become a meeting point for the interests of the packaging industry, with the main idea of promoting and encouraging the collaboration of all members.
This platform is committed to knowledge, innovation and technological development as fundamental tools to achieve competitiveness and excellence with a long-term projection.
15 April 2020
Packaging Cluster is part of the "Network entities to boost the Circular Economy of Vallés Occidental" a group promoted by the Regional Council of Vallés Occidental.
This network is a space for collaboration between different actors interested in sharing goals, identify opportunities for intervention and design activities taking advantage of the potentialities to use the resources available and find new ones.
Technical sessions are held quarterly to generate ideas, discuss and establish agreements to accelerate the transition to a circular production process.