"Smart Labels was the second best valued proposal in the call in support of Innovative Business Groups, among more than 250 initiatives throughout Spain"
"The Packaging Cluster collects the results of the work carried out on projects such as SUMBOX, a 100% recyclable, waterproof and easily transportable packaging solution that the Sampera company already uses to distribute its fish"
On the 14th of October, 2020, the kick off of the Smart Labels project was held, which is committed to the use of new printing technologies for the manufacture of smart labels.
The consortium met virtually: two national clusters, the Packaging Cluster and Clúster Alimentario de Galicia; the Eurecat technology center; and three SMEs: IPE Industria Gráfica; Cooperativa Vitivinícola Arousana SCG (Paco&Lola) and Bodega Matarromera. During the development of the session, the next steps to be followed at the structural level were explained, and the project schedule was planned, with the documentation to be presented.
Smartlabels was the second project selected in the call in support of Innovative Business Groups of this year 2020, with the highest score in its assessment among applicants. Packvision and IntelFoodPack are the other two projects that were presented in said call (see related article).
Other projects promoted by the Packaging Cluster
Workshop to measure social and environmental results
On the other hand, that same October 14, the first part of the Workshop to measure social and environmental results as well as the contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals took place, which was organized in collaboration with the Catalan Water Partnership, ACCIÓ and Roots for Sustainability, and that is part of the project to identify and research market opportunities in the generation of shared value.
Various companies participated in this first phase with the aim of becoming on circular economy for the creation of value for society, environmental and economic value, as a future trend and a strategic business challenge.
In 2019, the SUMBOX project was presented as an alternative to Porex in the food distribution of fresh produce. Today, we already see the results of this solution, manufactured by Hinojosa Packaging, with the technical and environmental validation of the Leitat technology center and the Market AAD market study.
Currently, the Sampera brand uses this 100% recyclable, waterproof and easily transportable packaging when serving fresh fish and seafood to wholesalers, distributors and restaurants. The company has opted for the Sumbox packaging system as a symbol of quality and sustainability in its service, as it protects the raw material and contributes to reducing the carbon footprint.
Hack AgriFood’20
Within the framework of the European Safe Smart Food project, an 8-week international online hackathon, the HACK AgriFood'20, is being organized with the aim of helping the agriculture, food and packaging sectors to overcome current problems and address the challenges posed by the COVID-19 crisis.
From today, and until November 20, it is in a first phase of development where teams will begin to develop solutions to the challenges posed, with the support of mentors, stakeholders and end users.