The SOFLEX project is a commitment to the development of thermoformable flexible single-material containers for the vacuum preservation of cooked meat products within the case study of Embutidos Monells, which enable the change towards a circular economy efficient in the use of resources. The initiative has the participation of Enplater as a manufacturer of flexible plastic materials, Multivac as a manufacturer of packaging machinery, IRTA and AIMPLAS as technology centers and the Packaging Cluster as a representative of the packaging sector and the packaging
Embutidos Monells is a company dedicated to the manufacture and marketing of sausages and meat products. For the packaging of its star product, bacon, it uses flexible multi-layer plastic material structures of different composition depending on the presentation format (sliced, taco or whole piece) and target useful life. The project is born from the company's concern about the increase in plastic consumption and the environmental impact it is causing, together with the growing awareness on the part of consumers and the new European legislative framework.
The main objective of the initiative is to improve the recyclability of the flexible packaging it uses, through eco-designed packaging. This sustainable design must enable high-quality recycling from a single-material waste, while preserving the product to avoid food waste and guarantee consumer safety.
The development of the project is divided into five main phases: 1) Eco-design and manufacture of the new flexible materials 2) Characterization and analysis of the materials and pilot tests 3) Industrial tests with the new materials 4) Comparative useful life studies 5) Analyzes of the technical, economic and environmental viability of new materials.
Eco-design actions will focus on improving materials and optimizing the packaging, storage, transport and distribution process. In this way, Embutidos Monells aims to be a pioneer in the meat sector in using more sustainable flexible plastic packaging, taking the necessary steps for an efficient circular economy in which waste becomes a resource again. Once validated, this project can be extrapolated to other companies in the meat and food sector, as well as to other products with similar conservation requirements.
SOFLEX is an implementation project in the market of new products or services financed by the Waste Agency of Catalonia as part of the call for subsidies for circular economy promotion projects 2020.