14 juliol 2023
<< Companies everywhere are prioritizing supply chain transformation to overcome mounting challenges. Existing systems have not functioned effectively in the tumultuous markets of the past few years. Product shortages, delivery delays and scarcity of raw materials are just a few of the disruptions straining the capabilities of current infrastructure. Add unpredictable product demand, and it has become incredibly difficult to maintain reliable supply chain operations. >>
Oficinas clúster
13 febrer 2025
Vols donar impuls al desenvolupament de la teva empresa? En aquesta sessió de la mà d'ACCIÓ , les empreses assistents tindran l’oportunitat d’explorar eines, estratègies i bones pràctiques per descobrir elements essencials ...
14 juliol 2023
<< Companies everywhere are prioritizing supply chain transformation to overcome mounting challenges. Existing systems have not functioned effectively in the tumultuous markets of the past few years. Product shortages, delivery delays and scarcity of raw materials are just a few of the disruptions straining the capabilities of current infrastructure. Add unpredictable product demand, and it has become incredibly difficult to maintain reliable supply chain operations. >>
Les millors notícies recollides d'una base de dades de més de 5.000 fonts.
14 juliol 2023
<< Companies everywhere are prioritizing supply chain transformation to overcome mounting challenges. Existing systems have not functioned effectively in the tumultuous markets of the past few years. Product shortages, delivery delays and scarcity of raw materials are just a few of the disruptions straining the capabilities of current infrastructure. Add unpredictable product demand, and it has become incredibly difficult to maintain reliable supply chain operations. >>
14 juliol 2023
<< Today, customers order most of what they need to their doorstep, from groceries to cosmetics to pet products. And they expect these products to reach them safely, without damage. A broken product, spill or contamination can lead to disappointment, motivating customers to purchase from a competing brand instead.
In an uber-competitive market, ensuring product quality and customer satisfaction is the cornerstone of business success and growth. And package testing does just that. >>
14 juliol 2023
<< Los alimentos ecodiseñados mejoran la competitividad e innovación de las empresas. Su elaboración reduce costes, emisiones e impacto ambiental. Por ello, CNTA, en colaboración con Eurecat, ha elaborado una guía que facilita el desarrollo de productos ecodiseñados en las empresas a través de siete estrategias. >>
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