The cluster is a link between institutions in the sector that cooperate to nurture the ecosystem of greater knowledge and strategic vision. But what is a cluster?
The Packaging Cluster is a non-profit organization that was established in 2012 by Catalan companies and that today brings together 150 active members including companies, knowledge centers and entities that represent the entire value chain of the packaging sector. The main objective of the entity is to help the competitive improvement of the companies that integrate it, with the purpose of solving the challenges of the current context, the promotion of innovation and the generation of new business opportunities.
As the highest representative of the container and packaging sector in Catalonia, the Packaging Cluster is developed under 5 strategic axes, which are: the generation of innovation projects and new businesses, market strategy and intelligence, the promotion of international connections, training and attracting talent, and networking and business cooperation.
The main objective of the Packaging Cluster is to help the competitive improvement of the companies that make it up, in order to generate more and better business for companies and entities in the world of packaging and packaging.
This improvement comes from the promotion of networking, knowledge and business, which are worked through five strategic axes, which have an annual Activity Plan to reinforce and consolidate the respective actions.
Improve the competitiveness (social, environmental and economic) of the container and packaging ecosystem, through the promotion of market intelligence, networking and impact projects for the sector.
To be a benchmark entity in southern Europe in the container and packaging sector, and to respond to sector trends and challenges. Specifically, in the promotion of new business projects, as well as the promotion of the circular economy and shared value.
Implication. Collaboration. Ethics. Flexibility. Empathy. Transparency. Teamwork.
Facilitate the transformation of the sector towards a more inclusive and sustainable economy.
At a regional level, it is recognized by ACCIÓ's Catalonia Clusters programme. At the national level, it is part of the list of Innovative Business Groups (AEI) by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism.
At an international level, the Packaging Cluster is part of the entities recognized for excellence in management through the Cluster Management Excellence accreditation. On the other hand, it is part of the European Cluster Collaboration Platform.
Industrial Design Engineer and Product Development expert with work experience in the world of product design, packaging, and also as a teacher at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in the subject of Packaging. Interested in circular economy and sustainable innovation.
Industrial Design Engineer and Product Development expert with work experience in the world of product design, packaging, and also as a teacher at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in the subject of Packaging. Interested in circular economy and sustainable innovation.