Generation of R&D&i projects at national and international level. Synergies and consortia creation with complementary companies and knowledge centers to improve the business of the companies. Attending the specialized knowledge in the field of packaging, that range from suppliers of raw materials to the final brands, integral management of the entire project is done, with the aim of passing on improving competitiveness and value to the participating entities.
The Packaging Cluster is at the same time an instrument for disseminating and communicating projects with guarantees, to make them reach the client sectors through their own dissemination channels, as well as access to the general and specialized press, with the aim of making scalable the obtained solution.
The projects promoted by the Packaging Cluster and carried out in collaboration with members of the same entity, or with other clusters and national and European companies, are described below:
12 February 2025
The “Enhancing Packaging Innovation Ecosystems for Interregional Collaboration” project, acronym EPIC, aims to build capacity in innovation ecosystems in less developed regions, enabling the opportunity for innovation actors to drive the transition towards sustainable packaging in response to environmental and regulative challenges outlined by the EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation.
Aligned with the European Green Deal principle and the New Circular Economy Action Plan, EPIC will enable the creation of new sub-value chains in the packaging sector, aiding less developed regions in understanding market trends and feasibility for business growth. These goals will be achieved by mapping current trends, identifying innovation needs and technology requirements from end-user sectors, matching demand and supply for innovation, supporting the development of business cases for further continuation, and tuning innovation-supporting policy instruments.
The consortium coordinated by Nanoprogress (Czechia) includes 10 partners from 8 European countries representing the clusters: BalticNet-PlasmaTec (Germany), DBH InnoHub Ltd – Omnipack Cluster (Hungary), Clust-ER MECH (Italy), Clust-ER HEALTH (Italy), LITMEA- Smart Food Cluster (Lithuania), Bydgoszcz Industrial Cluster Tool Valley (Poland), Association Packaging Cluster (Spain), Feeling Innovation by Stanpa (Spain) and research&technology competence centre: Institute of Science and Innovation in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (Portugal) committed to tackling the upcoming fundamental transition towards a more sustainable packaging sector.
Project website:
Duration of the Project: 01.12.2024 – 30.11.2026
Project budget: 1 212 414,00 EUR
The project is part of the Interregional Innovation Investments (I3) Instrument.
3 February 2025
DATA INICI: Juny 2024
DURADA: 24 mesos
CONSORCI: CARINSA, La Selva, Monells, NOEL, Enplater, TPL, Kao Chimigraf, ULMA, Bon Preu ESCLAT, Casa Ametller, IRTA, Packaging Cluster. I amb el suport de MULTIVAC, Hispack i FECIC.
DESCRIPCIÓ: L’objectiu principal del projecte OXICOOK és estudiar diferents estratègies per minimitzar el malbaratament dels productes carnis cuits llescats envasats en atmosfera protectora durant la seva vida útil comercial.
RESULTATS: Els seus resultats seran desenvolupar productes carnis cuits llescats més robusts mitjançant la combinació d’estratègies que inclouen la formulació del producte, la selecció i l’adequació de materials i dels paràmetres d’envasament que permetin garantir l’estabilitat del color durant la seva comercialització, a la vegada que conèixer quin impacte tenen els nous sistemes d’il·luminació LED que la distribució ha adoptat i com minimitzar el seu efecte per evitar el malbaratament dels productes exposats. Tot això, sense afectar la seguretat alimentària, vida útil i característiques sensorials, gràcies a l’addició de cultius bioprotectors i/o ingredients amb potencial antioxidant. Aquest projecte es realitza gràcies a l’ajut financer de la Unió Europea.
PRESSUPOST: 256.066,32 €
10 December 2024
NOM i SUBTÍTOL: OrganicUp – Valorització de residus orgànics per packaging
CONSORCI: Batlle Group, BAU, Blue room Innovation, Tallers Soteras, Flipo Eyewear i el Packaging Cluster, amb la col·laboració de LOV ferments i Bella Aurora.
DESCRIPCIÓ: El propòsit essencial d'aquest projecte és crear una dinàmica positiva entre productors, envasadors i consumidors per disminuir considerablement els residus i els costos relacionats amb el consum alimentari, alhora que es proposen alternatives materials per al packaging des d'una perspectiva més respectuosa amb el medi ambient. El projecte OrganicUP busca desenvolupar un biomaterial innovador, a base de residus orgànics, implementant estratègies de disseny per explorar-ne el potencial, dur a terme una prova pilot per avaluar la seva capacitat de ser modelat i produït a escala per a aplicacions industrials, i incorporar un sistema que asseguri la traçabilitat del producte al llarg de les fases de rebuig, ús i reciclatge
PRESSUPOST: 99.915,33 €
CONVOCATÒRIA: Iniciatives de Reforç a la Competitivitat, IRC 2024
10 December 2024
NOM i SUBTÍTOL: Implementació d’una Plataforma per Traçabilitat i Gestió d’Envasos Reutilitzables
CONSORCI: ECOLIGNOR, MAFRICA, Obach 1915, NOEL, Font Packaging Group, ENPLATER GROUP, i hi col·labora Ecophir Recicla i GRUP BATALLÉ, amb el suport del clúster INNOVACC i el Packaging Cluster.
DESCRIPCIÓ: El projecte té com a objectiu desenvolupar i implementar una eina avançada per a la traçabilitat d'envasos reutilitzables, per assegurar el compliment del Reial decret 1055/2022 sobre envasos i residus d'envasos. Aquesta normativa estableix noves obligacions per als productors d'envasos, incloent el compliment de la Responsabilitat Ampliada del Productor (RAP) i la implementació d'un Sistema de Dipòsit, Devolució i Retorn (SDDR). La iniciativa promou la col·laboració entre fabricants d’envasos, empreses del sector carni i altres parts interessades per fomentar la reutilització, optimitzar processos i assolir avantatges competitius al mercat.
PRESSUPOST: 99.929,05
CONVOCATÒRIA: Iniciatives de Reforç a la Competitivitat, IRC 2024
15 January 2024
NAME and SUBTITLE: GREEN IMPACKT, Sustainable transformation of industrial value chains related to plastic and packaging in Colombia
CONSORTIUM: ANDI (National Association of Entrepreneurs of Colombia), CLEAN Cluster and PackagingCluster
DESCRIPTION: The project aims to support the transition of Colombian SMEs in the plastics, packaging and packaging sector towards a circular economy through training and collaboration with EU solution providers. The central idea will provide SMEs with access to tools and knowledge to strengthen their skills and adopt more sustainable practices in the sector, based on cooperation with European suppliers. The project includes training activities in the circular economy, development of tools such as roadmap and monitoring, access to success stories and best practices, and knowledge about the resources available as sources of financing that promote the circular economy in the sector.
BUDGET: €358,386
CALL: AL-INVEST Green AIV_P922_call2
15 January 2024
CONSORTIUM: NATUREEF Association, Pack4Food, Flanders' FOOD, Lithuanian food exporters association (LitMEA), Valorial, le réseau innovation agri-agro, Agrifood Clust-ER, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, DBH Group, Omnipack Packaging Technology Cluster, Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije, CLIC Innovation Oy, Packbridge, Galicia Food Cluster, POLYMERIS, LETVIJAS PARTIKAS UZNEMUMU FEDERACIJA
DESCRIPTION: Value4Pack aims to strengthen cross-regional collaborations, support innovation and bridge gaps between different stakeholders by creating an inclusive ecosystem and providing targeted assistance, to boost innovation and investment capacity in the supply chain. European value of food packaging. Value4Pack is an interregional innovation investment project (I3) originating from the European S3 Partnership Food Packaging.
BUDGET: €1,477,721
CALL: Interregional innovation investment project I3-2022-CAP2b
15 January 2024
CONSORTIUM: Controlpack and the Packaging Cluster
DESCRIPTION: With the execution of this initiative, the possibility of activating stretch film recovery circuits distributed by the company will be evaluated, and a pilot will be offered with a client to activate film recovery through reverse logistics, trobar recyclers. of LDPE film and contextualize possible plastic tax deductions for film recovery.
BUDGET: €79,863
CALL: Projects to promote the circular economy ACC/3552/2022. Waste Agency of Catalonia.
15 January 2024
CONSORTIUM: Innovacc i Packaging Cluster
DESCRIPTION: The MEÆT PACK project is a collaborative initiative between the INNOVACC Cluster and the Packaging Cluster to create a sectoral guide to meat packaging and alternative protein in the context of the Circular Economy and Ecodesign. This study aims to analyze the different solutions in terms of sustainability in a holistic way: both the ecological protection of the packaging itself and the food waste that can be avoided from the products they contain.
BUDGET: €40,000
CALL: Circular economy promotion projects ACC/3552/2022. Waste Agency of Catalonia.
15 January 2024
NAME AND SUBTITLE: SMARTENPAL, Research into Intelligent Automation, Monitoring and Servitization Technologies for palletizing and wrapping.
CONSORTIUM: Infosa, Controlpack, Tepsis, Bertia, Pentamatiki the Packaging Cluster
DESCRIPTION: The project aims to industrial research into advanced intelligent technologies for Monitoring and Robotization of palletizing and wrapping processes, facing important challenges within the field of digitalization/industry 4.0, automation, prediction and sustainability, for the transformation of the manufacturing sector. packaging.
BUDGET: €242,762
CALL: Innovative Business Groups. May, 2023. Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism.
15 January 2024
NAME and SUBTITLE: INDUREC 4.0 - Research for the traceability of the plastic packaging recycling process in the transition to industry 4.0.
CONSORTIUM: AEI Clúster Envase y Embalaje de la Comunidad Valenciana, AIMPLAS, Perez Cerdá, Blockchain Traceability (Trazable) & AEI Packaging Cluster.
DESCRIPTION: InduRec 4.0 proposes the development of a software application for the control and traceability of the processes of packaging management facilities, covering everything from packaging recycling to different transformation processes. It aims to satisfy the industry's need to optimize its processes with the generation and use of data that allows it to valorize waste and better understand the efficiency of its process, just as it offers the type of solutions that are proposed in the project and that are linked to the concept of industry 4.0.
BUDGET: €178,034
CALL: Innovative Business Groups. May, 2023. Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism.
15 January 2024
NAME and SUBTITLE: PACKIMPACT 2.0: New platform to analyze the environmental impact of packaging and compare alternatives
CONSORTIUM: Aimplas, inèdit, IFLEX, Comexi and the Packaging Cluster
DESCRIPTION: The objective of this project is research to develop an easy and intuitive tool (LCA) so that companies in the packaging sector can analyze and value their packaging taking into account their entire value chain in a simple way. and fast with generic data dumped into the tool. This project is driven by the sector's demand to measure the environmental impact in terms of carbon footprint and other environmental indicators derived from the analysis of the life cycle of its packaging and the recyclability of the materials used for each of these containers.
BUDGET: €241,420
CALL: Innovative Business Groups. May, 2023. Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism.
15 January 2024
NAME and SUBTITLE: SMART STOCK DUOMO 2.0: Digitization of logistics processes and inventory management with Smart Pressure Senso
CONSORCI: Akoma, Twentic, Rotimpres, Embeblue, Functional Print and the Packaging Cluster.
DESCRIPTION: The objective of this project is the investigation of a more efficient and economical inventory control system for bulk products (such as screws and similar parts) and for mono[1]reference locations. To achieve this, screen printing technology will be used to create printed sensors that can be placed in boxes or drawers and monitor the amount of stock present in them through weight. In addition, it is intended to achieve complete automation and digitalization of the Akoma warehouse, applying the order management system that was developed in the first phase and adding the research and development of the integration with the Warehouse Management System (WMS), as well as its communication with the implementation of a robot.
PRESSUPOST: €324,779
CALL: Innovative Business Groups. May, 2023. Ministeri d'Indústria, Commerce i Turisme.
15 January 2024
NAME and SUBTITLE: MADAM – Automatic anomaly detection and error prevention model with Machine learning
CONSORTIUM: Synaptik, Comexi, Dribia, Rotorprint and Packaging Cluster
DESCRIPTION: The purpose of the project is to promote the modernization and efficiency of production processes through the application of digital technology and automation. It is intended to be carried out through an automated solution that detects anomalies in the machinery of the flexible packaging sector (printing, lamination and cutting). To achieve this, the aim is to develop an algorithm that allows, with the acquisition and analysis of data, to predict future failures and thus avoid delays and costs associated with repairs and production stops. At the same time, it seeks to promote a more sustainable production model that reduces or eliminates the production of waste produced by the loss generated due to machine errors.
BUDGET: €284,385
CALL: Innovative Business Groups. Mayo, 2023. Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism.
18 December 2023
NAME: Smart Battery Case 2
CONSORTIUM: Compoxi, Cooling Photonics, Rotimpres, CAT UAV, MAV Cluster and Packaging Cluster
DESCRIPTION: "Smart Battery Case. Functionalization of materials for electromobility" is an industrial research project whose main goal is to develop digitalized and technologically advanced battery cases for electric charging drones
BUDGET: €285,717
CALL: Agrupaciones Empresariales Innovadoras. October, 2022. Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism
28 June 2023
NAME: INNOVALIM: Innovació a l'Emprenedoria Alimentària
CONSORTIUM: INNOVI Wine Cluster, Packaging Cluster and Foodservice Cluste
DESCRIPTION: The purpose of the project is to promote specialized entrepreneurship in the value chain of the food sector in accordance with innovation and technology. Through this value proposition, it is intended to help the link between entrepreneurship and existing companies and, at the same time, promote intra-entrepreneurship within the business world through a program divided between theoretical and practical training and mentoring.
BUDGET: €59,121.63
CALL: January 2023 – December 2023
28 April 2023
The Layertech project has investigated a solution that allows the separation of the different layers of multilayer materials, efficiently, thus facilitating their recycling.
Likewise, the monitoring in the application of the lacquer with a gas barrier effect has been investigated, to control its thickness, guaranteeing the greatest efficiency in the manufacturing process.
29 January 2023
CONSORTIUM: Masia Vallformosa, Juvé & Camps, Ais Vision, Innovi and the Packaging Cluster
DESCRIPTION: The project aims to analyze the feasibility of installing artificial vision in wineries to improve the quality and safety of the wines produced. This project is based as the main technological trend in artificial intelligence. Artificial vision in the Wine sector (Line of aid for Initiatives to Strengthen competitiveness for cluster projects. Innovation projects (Line 2))
BUDGET: €99,955.44
CALL: Gener 2023 – December 2023
25 January 2023
CONSORTIUM: Advanced Materials Cluster, Compoxi, Cooling Photonics, Rotimpres, Solar Box and the Packaging Cluster
DESCRIPTION: "Smart Battery Case. Functionalization of materials for electromobility" is an industrial research project whose main objective is to develop new digitized, technologically advanced and more efficient battery cases (electrochemical storage systems) of new materials for electric and hybrid vehicles, specifically for naval transport.
BUDGET: €287,527
CALL: Innovative Business Group. October, 2022. Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism
22 January 2023
CONSORTIUM: Rieusset, NG Plastics, Alzamora, Font Packaging, Lúcid, Inèdit, Virospack, Envases Plasticos del Ter and Packaging Cluster
DESCRIPTION: Packimpact, wants to be a very simplified but rigorous online environmental quantification software based on the Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) of the containers, customized and adapted to this sector. Life cycle analysis tool of a line container Aid to Initiatives to Strengthen competitiveness for cluster projects. Competitiveness strengthening projects (Line 1)
I develop an easy and intuitive tool so that companies in the container and packaging sector can carry out life cycle analyzes and value their containers taking into account their entire value chain in a simple and fast way with generic data entered into the tool.
BUDGET: €96,571.30
CALL: Gener 2022 – August 2023
25 October 2022
CONSORTIUM: Spanish Plastics Center, Dribia, Saplex, Tai Smart Factory and the Packaging Cluster
DESCRIPTION: The BOWSER project uses all the power of artificial intelligence to be able to acquire new knowledge that is capable of defining an optimal configuration of the production parameters that minimizes the deviations of the gauge of the plastic sheet. This industrial research project aims to predict the gauge of the finished product, analyze which process parameters affect them and, finally, determine the best manufacturing configuration. All this from all the sensory information of the production process, both from the manufacture of the sheet and the finished product.
BUDGET: €234,224
CALL: Innovative Business Group. October, 2022. Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism